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Skin Laceration

Introduction | Types of Lacerations | Clinical Presentation | Diagnosis | Management and Treatment | When to Refer | References


Skin lacerations are common injuries that involve a tear or cut in the skin, often caused by sharp objects or trauma. Lacerations can vary significantly in depth, length, and severity, ranging from superficial cuts to deep wounds that involve underlying tissues such as muscles, tendons, or nerves. Proper management of lacerations is crucial to minimise the risk of infection, promote optimal healing, and reduce the likelihood of scarring.

Types of Lacerations

Lacerations can be classified into several types based on their cause and appearance:

  • Clean Lacerations: These are caused by sharp objects like knives or glass, resulting in smooth, clean-edged wounds that are easier to close and less likely to be contaminated.
  • Contaminated Lacerations: These lacerations are caused by dirty or rusty objects, or occur in environments where the wound is exposed to dirt, debris, or bodily fluids, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Crush Lacerations: Caused by blunt trauma, these lacerations often involve jagged edges and can result in significant tissue damage, bruising, and swelling.
  • Avulsion: A type of laceration where a portion of the skin and underlying tissue is torn away, leading to a flap of skin that may remain partially attached.
  • Puncture Wounds: Though not traditionally considered lacerations, puncture wounds are deep, narrow injuries caused by sharp, pointed objects like nails or needles. These wounds can be difficult to clean and are prone to infection.

Clinical Presentation

The presentation of a skin laceration varies depending on the severity and depth of the wound:

  • Bleeding: Lacerations may cause varying degrees of bleeding, from minor oozing in superficial cuts to more significant bleeding in deeper lacerations that involve blood vessels.
  • Pain: Pain is common and varies depending on the depth of the laceration and the involvement of underlying structures.
  • Wound Edges: The wound edges may be clean and smooth or irregular and jagged, depending on the mechanism of injury.
  • Exposed Structures: In deeper lacerations, underlying tissues such as fat, muscle, tendons, or bone may be visible.
  • Contamination: The presence of dirt, debris, or foreign bodies in the wound increases the risk of infection.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Crush lacerations often present with significant swelling and bruising around the wound site.


The diagnosis of a skin laceration is primarily clinical, based on the appearance of the wound and the circumstances of the injury:

  • History: Obtain a detailed history of the injury, including the mechanism of injury, time of occurrence, and any potential contaminants. Assess the patient's tetanus immunisation status.
  • Physical Examination: Inspect the wound to determine the depth, length, and presence of any foreign bodies. Check for signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, swelling, or purulent discharge.
  • Neurovascular Assessment: Evaluate the function of nerves and blood vessels distal to the laceration, particularly in deep or complex wounds, to rule out nerve damage or compromised blood flow.
  • Imaging: X-rays may be indicated if there is a suspicion of foreign bodies, fractures, or involvement of deeper structures, especially in puncture wounds or crush injuries.

Management and Treatment

The management of skin lacerations aims to control bleeding, prevent infection, and promote optimal wound healing:

1. Initial Wound Care

  • Control Bleeding: Apply direct pressure to the wound with a sterile dressing or clean cloth to control bleeding. Elevate the affected area if possible.
  • Cleaning: Irrigate the wound thoroughly with saline or clean water to remove debris and reduce the risk of infection. Avoid using harsh antiseptics that can damage tissue.
  • Debridement: Remove any devitalised tissue, foreign material, or contaminants from the wound to promote healing and reduce the risk of infection.

2. Wound Closure

  • Primary Closure: Clean, uncontaminated lacerations that are less than 12 hours old (or 24 hours on the face) can be closed primarily using sutures, staples, or adhesive strips. This promotes faster healing and minimises scarring.
  • Delayed Primary Closure: In contaminated or high-risk wounds, delayed primary closure may be preferred to monitor for signs of infection before closing the wound.
  • Healing by Secondary Intention: Deep or contaminated wounds may be left open to heal by secondary intention, allowing the wound to granulate and close naturally over time.
  • Topical Antibiotics: Consider applying a topical antibiotic ointment to reduce the risk of infection in at-risk wounds.

3. Antibiotic Therapy

  • Prophylactic Antibiotics: Prophylactic antibiotics may be indicated for high-risk lacerations, such as those caused by animal or human bites, puncture wounds, or wounds in immunocompromised patients.
  • Infected Wounds: If signs of infection are present, initiate appropriate antibiotic therapy based on the likely pathogens and wound culture results if available.

4. Tetanus Prophylaxis

  • Tetanus Immunisation: Assess the patient's tetanus immunisation status and provide a booster if necessary, particularly in cases of deep or contaminated wounds.
  • Tetanus Immunoglobulin: Consider administering tetanus immunoglobulin in patients with a high-risk wound and an unknown or incomplete immunisation history.

5. Pain Management

  • Analgesics: Over-the-counter analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help manage pain and inflammation associated with lacerations.
  • Local Anaesthesia: Administer local anaesthesia if suturing or debridement is required, to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

When to Refer

Referral to a specialist or hospital may be necessary in the following situations:

  • Complex or Deep Lacerations: Lacerations involving deep structures, such as tendons, nerves, or blood vessels, require specialist evaluation and repair.
  • Facial Lacerations: Lacerations on the face, particularly those involving the eyelids, lips, or nose, may require referral to a plastic surgeon to minimise scarring and ensure proper cosmetic outcomes.
  • Infected Wounds: Wounds that show signs of significant infection, such as cellulitis or abscess formation, should be referred for further management, including possible intravenous antibiotics.
  • Immunocompromised Patients: Patients with compromised immune systems may need specialist care to manage lacerations and prevent complications.
  • Wounds with Foreign Bodies: If there is a suspicion of retained foreign bodies, particularly if they are not easily accessible, referral for imaging or surgical removal may be necessary.


  1. British Association of Dermatologists (2024) Guidelines for the Management of Skin Lacerations. Available at: (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
  2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2024) Skin Lacerations: Diagnosis and Management. Available at: (Accessed: 26 August 2024).
  3. British National Formulary (2024) Wound Management and Antibiotic Prophylaxis. Available at: (Accessed: 26 August 2024).