Gastro-intestinal perforation
Definition | Aetiology | Pathophysiology | Risk Factors | Signs and Symptoms | Investigations | Management | Referral
Gastrointestinal (GI) perforation is a life-threatening condition where a hole develops in the wall of the stomach, small intestine, or large intestine, leading to leakage of intestinal contents into the peritoneal cavity, causing peritonitis and sepsis.
Common causes include:
- Peptic ulcer disease: perforation of the stomach or duodenum due to long-standing ulcers.
- Diverticulitis: inflamed diverticula in the colon can rupture.
- Appendicitis: ruptured appendix leading to localised or generalised peritonitis.
- Trauma: blunt or penetrating abdominal injury.
- Malignancy: advanced gastrointestinal cancers can erode through the bowel wall.
- Ischaemic bowel disease: bowel infarction due to mesenteric ischaemia.
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): severe Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
- Foreign body ingestion: perforation due to sharp objects.
- Iatrogenic causes: perforation following endoscopy, colonoscopy, or surgery.
- Loss of gastrointestinal integrity leads to spillage of gastric or faecal contents into the peritoneal cavity.
- This results in an inflammatory response, leading to peritonitis.
- If untreated, the condition progresses to sepsis and multi-organ failure.
Risk factors
- Long-term NSAID or steroid use (increases ulcer risk).
- Smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Advanced age.
- Previous abdominal surgery.
- Gastrointestinal malignancy.
- Severe infections (e.g., typhoid, tuberculosis affecting the bowel).
Signs and symptoms
- Sudden severe abdominal pain (often diffuse, sometimes localised initially).
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Fever and chills.
- Reduced or absent bowel movements (paralytic ileus).
- Rigid abdomen with involuntary guarding (suggests peritonitis).
- Absent bowel sounds (indicating paralytic ileus).
- Tachycardia and hypotension (suggesting shock).
- Rebound tenderness on palpation.
- Blood tests:
- Raised white cell count and CRP (indicating infection).
- Elevated lactate (suggesting tissue hypoxia and sepsis).
- Urea and electrolytes (assess dehydration and renal function).
- Imaging:
- Plain abdominal X-ray: may show free air under the diaphragm (pneumoperitoneum).
- CT abdomen (gold standard): confirms perforation site, detects extraluminal air and fluid collections.
- Ultrasound: may detect free fluid but is less sensitive for perforation.
1. Immediate Resuscitation:
- IV fluids: aggressive fluid resuscitation with crystalloid solutions.
- Oxygen therapy: if hypoxic.
- Broad-spectrum IV antibiotics.
- Analgesia: IV paracetamol ± opiates.
- Nil by mouth: to prevent further bowel contents leaking.
- Nasogastric tube: to decompress the stomach if needed.
- Urinary catheter: to monitor urine output in critically ill patients.
2. Surgical Intervention:
- Emergency laparotomy: most cases require surgical repair.
- Primary closure: if a small perforation with minimal contamination.
- Bowel resection: if extensive bowel damage or malignancy is present.
- Laparoscopic approach: considered in selected stable patients.
3. Conservative Management (Selected Cases Only):
- Only considered in stable patients with sealed perforations (e.g., contained diverticular perforation).
- IV antibiotics and close monitoring.
- Repeat imaging to assess progress.
- Urgent surgical referral for suspected GI perforation.
- Critical care referral if haemodynamic instability is present.